понедельник, 20 января 2020 г.


This collection consists of forty compact discs of Persian traditional instrumental music, featuring the violin on the majority of the tracks. In the wake of the revolution, many of Yahaghi's friends and associates departed from Iran and did not return. During the s with the war between Iran and Iraq going on, he was invited by the regime to compose music, particularly patriotic music. All these albums are instrumental only no singing and monophonic only. The many early recordings of Yahaghi playing with a singer are published under the singer's name. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. During his youth Parviz was exposed to many highly professional musicians in Tehran who were friends of his uncle. violin yahaghi

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violin yahaghi

Pop MusicClassical Music. The many early recordings of Yahaghi playing with a singer are published under the singer's name.

violin yahaghi

These compositions were often produced in connection with the long-running radio program Golha. Before the arrival of the political revolution in Iran, Yahaghi had already violon from the government radio station and set up a recording studio of his own in Tehran.

violin yahaghi

His birth name was Parviz Sedighi Parsi. In the wake of the revolution, many of Yahaghi's friends and associates departed from Iran and did not return.

Yahaghi's viooin in playing violin, his compositions, and his musical director's role made him a central figure in Persian music during the s.

Starting from about 20 years of age Parviz Yahaghi was employed for a little over two decades as a musician with the Iranian government-financed radio station. All these albums are instrumental only no singing and monophonic only. The revolutionaries outlawed female solo yahahgi, though women were free to continue to play musical instruments and to sing in choruses. But the official authorities came around to viewing him with such esteem that after his death some of his musical instruments, recording equipment and other items were appropriated as national and historic property.

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During his youth Parviz was exposed to many highly professional musicians in Tehran who were friends of his uncle. Yahaghi's violin is tuned in a way that gives different resonances and drones to the sound, compared to standard European tuning, and he uses a number of different tuning schemes.

He was musically voolin primarily by his uncle Hossein Yahaghi, a violinist and violin teacher, from whom Parviz adopted the Yahaghi name.

Other albums by Yahaghi currently in print include " Toreh " in two volumes i. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Retrieved from " https: This collection consists of forty compact discs of Persian traditional instrumental music, featuring the violin on the majority of the tracks.

From Violon, the free encyclopedia.

Parviz Yahaghi

Views Read Edit View history. He resided in Tehran city for practically his whole life, and was born and died there. Additional instrumental music featuring Yahaghi is available from the Taknavazan Collection. Parviz Yahaghi's most widely distributed recordings outside Iran is probably the five-volume " Persian Melodies " collection five compact discs ; the four-volume " Violin Melodies " collection is the same thing as the first four volumes of " Persian Melodies ".

Parviz Yahaghi - Wikipedia

This page was last edited on 31 Januaryat Saba published a two-volume training manual for the violin in During the s with the war between Iran and Iraq going on, he was invited by yahaaghi regime to compose music, particularly patriotic music. Yahaghi plays violin on at least one track on at least 25 of the 40 compact discs and the discs have four tracks each, typically.

Yahaghi was arrested, interrogated, and released by the new regime. A notable visitor at his uncle's house was the violin teacher, composer, and musicologist Abolhasan Sabawho is credited with making improvements in violin playing technique in the Persian tradition.

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